The annual Cape Town Baroque Festival, presented by the Cape Town Baroque Orchestra returns.
The festival, titled 'Revelations,' explores the theme of concealing and revealing across its various programmes.
The 'Variations' programme (Event 1) focuses on sets of variations or divisions built on thematic material from songs or hymns. These layers are expressed in a very emotive manner.
In a groundbreaking performance of the French allegorical late 17th-century mini-opera ‘Les arts florissants’ by Marc-Antoine Charpentier (Event 2), the festival presents possibly the first South African live rendition of this historical piece to a modern audience. This offers a fresh experience of early music for the audience and serves as a reminder of the limited re-performance of works during the Baroque period.
The 'Venice, Vivaldi, and the Ospedale della Pietà' program (Event 3) delves into Vivaldi and the performances at the Ospedale della Pietà. Performers were situated in the loft of the chapel and partially hidden behind metal grilles, adding a mysterious element to these popular 18th-century performances.