CityROCK is a rock climbing gym that offers 3 climbing options for children, over the age of 5, to develop correct climbing skills. They also provide birthday party services, as well as courses and programs to keep the little ones busy.
These options include bouldering – The easiest and least expensive way of getting into climbing. The climbing itself is not high and does not require a rope. Soft foam mats are provided for children to jump down onto if they get tired.
Automatic belay wall – An introduction to High Climbing as no experience is required. The rope is attached at the top of the wall (around 8 metres) to a braking system in the event of a fall, similar to a car seat belt, and lowers the child gently back down to the ground. A harness and shoes are required.
High wall top roping – Children are able to climb if they have someone to do the necessary rope work for belaying (the person who arrests a fall if the child falls). Parents are allowed to belay their child if they have passed the “Belay test” which ensures that they have the necessary skills. The belay test is free of charge.
Instructors can be be booked at an hourly rate to supervise and belay children - bookings made in advance to ensure availability. Everyone is required to climb in proper climbing shoes. This is not only for hygiene purposes but also to promote correct climbing techniques. Parents do not need to pay an entry fee but need to fill out a Waiver form.
CityROCK birthday parties consist of two hours of climbing, various games and activities and ample time for cake. Safety is the top priority, and proper instruction and supervision is given before and during each activity.
The facility also has courses and programmes that run throughout the year for beginner, intermediate and advanced climbers.