What better way to prepare for the cold winter months ahead than by acquiring some bona fide cooking expertise with which to entertain friends or impress a date? KitchenAngel's stress-free course teaches how to construct a three-course meal with minimum fuss and maximum effect.
For something more intimate and romantic, the ‘For Men Only’ course is a workshop specially formulated for men hoping to woo their partners through seductive cuisine, with an array of dishes ranging from sensual starters to delectable desserts, while an upcoming ‘Mediterranean Food’ course is designed to take the more adventurous cookery student on a heady culinary journey.
Lynn Angel - a professional chef with many years of catering experience - is famed for her remarkable willingness to share the secrets of her masterful kitchen skills. Tutored by the renowned Raymond Blanc, Angel has adopted the motto ‘inspire, educate, and entertain’ with one of her foundation courses being the perfectly named 'Kitchen Confidence' class.
And for those intrigued by KitchenAngel’s magnificent modernist kitchen, Angel also offers custom kitchen design consultation services. Her tailor-made concepts focus on creating a stylish yet fully functional ergonomic space to support the owner.
The Nitty-gritty: The price includes food and ingredients, notes, and recipes. Guests are encouraged to bring an apron and their wine or refreshments along - no corkage is charged.