Mountain Zebra National Park is well-known for having over 1000 Cape mountain zebras, after which the park is named, in addition to an abundance of diverse wildlife.
The Park was originally proclaimed to save this species from extinction, with a small founder herd of only 6 zebra. Now they can be seen throughout the park in small herds. Buffalo can be spotted in areas with Acacia thicket and on the wooded valleys of the park. Antelope species include black wildebeest, red hartebeest, eland, blesbok, kudu and springbok. Mountain reedbuck and grey rhebuck prefer the high mountain slopes along the Kranskop loop. Cheetah were reintroduced in 2007, becoming the first large predators in the Park. Brown hyena were introduced in 2008 but these secretive scavengers are seldom seen, except on camera traps and occasionally night drives. In April 2013, lions were introduced.
Chacma baboons and vervet monkeys make up the Park's primate component. Elusive species that may be seen include aardwolf, bat-eared fox and caracal. Nocturnal species which can be spotted on guided night drives include black-footed cat, aardvark, porcupine, genets and polecats.