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Wagkamer/Indlu yokulinda/Waiting Room

This exhibition offers an opportunity to rehang the walls and spaces in waiting rooms with the artists’ ideas of what one might like to encounter in such spaces.

The field is wide open. It is an exhibition of wall art in any medium. If large murals are planned then artists hand us the finished design/rendering.

They have been asked to try and remain attuned to what type of waiting room they are making the work for, to show sensitivity and empathy as much as their ability to construct or design.

Work can also deal with the concept of waiting itself. It is up to the artist to interpret the title, but do know this is art for waiting areas, reception rooms, airport lounges, visa application centres, etc.

Date: 1 June to 21 July

Time: Tues to Fri 10am to 5pm | Sat 10am to 2pm

Venue address: 117 Long St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: +27 83 324 6512

Email: [email protected]



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