The Cape Town Fynbos Experience is a chance to explore South Africa’s botanical heritage through the ancient indigenous fynbos.
The fynbos tasting and apothecary workshops are an opportunity to explore the fynbos’ distinctly South African taste and aroma through oral tradition and chemistry. Cape Town is considered the perfect location for such an experience, as the Cape Floristic Region is the smallest yet most diverse of six global botanical kingdoms with the fynbos species.
The Fynbos tasting is a two-hour sensory experience that is led by Giselle Courtney, creator of Cape Town Fynbos Experience. Using infusion, unique botanical flavours are extracted with water, sugar, salt, oil, vinegar and alcohol to create herbal teas, cordials, culinary salts, vinaigrettes and digestives. The tasting room is filled with the fragrance of fresh fynbos plants, such as the cancer bush, rhino bush, and Buchu. At individual place setting guests find beautifully presented glass beakers with tea infusions, Petri dishes with fresh stalks of Spekboom and fynbos salts, and get to learn about the different botanical species and their properties.
The Fynbos Apothecary Workshop is an intensive five-hour workshop where a culinary, wellness and beauty apothecary are created to take home. Fynbos herbs and rare essential oils are used, and tinctures, teas, sprays, scents, scrubs, soaks and seasoning salts are the final products.
All Fynbos Experience workshops are by appointment only, with a maximum of eight people.