Helderberg Hospice has provided comprehensive health-care since 1986. One of the first hospices in South Africa, established as an independent community organisation that embraces the ideals of a global network to alleviate suffering. Today, Helderberg Hospice is a trusted partner to many patients and their families thanks to their reputation as the Helderberg region’s premier provider of inter-disciplinary palliative care.
Great care has been taken in developing Helderberg Hospice as a brand which the community is proud of and organisations are comfortable to be associated with. To this end they were awarded the 2011 Chamber of Commerce Marketing and Branding Award.
Helderberg Hospice was originally registered as a Section 21 Association not-for-gain and is now a registered Non-Profit Company in terms of the new Companies Act of 2008. It is also registered as a Non-Profit Organisation with the Department of Social Welfare in terms of the Non Profit Organisations Act and as a Public Benefit Organisation in terms of the Income Tax Act.
Dedication is the true calling of Hospice volunteers, many of whom assist by playing a crucial role the organisation. Hospice volunteers should be compassionate, supporting and calming those interested are invited join the volunteer community.
The volunteer services available are:
-Patient Support – Companion, Therapist, Collection of Meals / Flowers, Patient Transport, Hairdressing, Shopping
- Admin – Board Members, Computers, Chapel, Facilitating, Finance, Reception, Research
- Shops – Retail, Display, Customer Service
- Maintenance – General Maintenance, Crafts, Gardening
- Events – Marketing, Musicians, Photographers, Social Media, Ticket Sales, Security
- Catering – General catering for meetings and/or events