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Magical Moments

Magical Moments advocates for children within their profile to be gifted with extraordinary experiences, gifted with unconditional kindness, love, compassion, dignity and respect, and gentleness.

The organisation reaches out to abused, abandoned, disadvantaged, impoverished, neglected, orphaned, underprivileged and vulnerable children, living in Johannesburg, predominantly aged under 7 years, where home may be in other villages, towns or provinces.
Many of the children are infected/affected by HIV/Aids, TB, cancer and other medical conditions. There are children living in the most dire and horrendous circumstances and environments, left to fend for themselves, exposed to alcoholism, prostitution, sexual and drug abuse, extreme neglect, ignorance, poverty, illiteracy, violence, apathy and other social ills – children “living with life-threatening diseases.

These are children on the fringe, who fall through the cracks as they are not all ‘AIDS’ orphans and therefore don’t get support, parents earn below minimum wage, don’t get into any support programmes and are not institutionalised.

Some children live in backyard small rooms, are the children or grandchildren of domestic workers, gardeners and labourers.
These are experiences that children should not go through especially during their most informative years, during Early Childhood.

Volunteers can help donatuonas and spending time with the children by teaching them or sharing skills withthem including creativity work.

Volunteers are screened before they can proceed.

Venue address: Weltevreden Park, Johannesburg

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: +27 83 256 2121




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