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Tara Rokpa Centre

The Tara Rokpa Centre (TRC) is a tranquil healing centre in the African bushveld. It is situated in the wooded valley of the Groot Marico District in the North West province that is surrounded by perennial streams and rolling hills. The 280 hectares of land it sits on boast a pristine environment and unpolluted water and air.

TRC was founded by Mark Bennet, a sangha member from Johannesburg following advice offered to him by Akong Riponche. (Sangha in Buddhism refers to the monastic community of monks and nuns)

The venue serves as a retreat centre for the Kagyu Samye Dzong centres in Johannesburg and Cape Town. It has established four wings of activity which include healing therapies; environmental preservation; spiritual development and community upliftment. These support the centre’s vision to empower people to develop wisdom and compassion.

The centre hosts a wide variety of retreats scheduled throughout the year that take place in their main site, the Tikologo Permaculture Site and in Tara’s Valley which is reserved for longer-termed retreats.

Examples of retreats on offer include the Marico Mountain and Gravel Biking Weekend; the New Year, No Intentions Retreat; the Kagyu Practice retreat and the Family Easter Camp. Generally retreats start at 6pm on the first day and end at lunch time (1pm) on the last day, unless stated otherwise.

Date: Refer to website

Time: Refer to website

Price: Various from R2500

Venue address: Tara Rokpa Centre, Kuilfontein, Groot Marico District

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: +27 11 083 9338

Email: [email protected]


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