The Buddhist Retreat Centre (BRC) is considered one of South Africa’s most popular and reputable retreat centres. Situated on a ridge at the head of a valley of the Umkomaas River, the centre overlooks indigenous valleys, forests and rolling hills.
Declared a Natural Heritage Site, the area boasts indigenous biodiversity and is a birder’s paradise with more than 160 species recorded.
BRC provides a sanctuary for those looking for peace and tranquillity and accommodates people from all walks of life. Its focus is on the study and practice of philosophy, psychology, meditation and the arts associated with Buddhist culture.
The centre offers a varied list of conducted retreats which are carefully structured and curated. These range from those that investigate Buddhist thought, to practice retreats with emphasis on meditation and retreats featuring bird-watching, cookery, drumming, pottery and photography.
Self-retreats are available on weekdays.
There are options to bird watch or take a walk; meditate, learn chi kung and yoga; spend solitary time in the deer forest, cloud-gaze at the dam or reflect on the eight trees associated with Buddha’s life, enlightenment and death in the Buddha Boma.
Group or corporate events can be arranged. Day visitors are also welcome, but making prior arrangements is important.