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Zoo Lake cleanup

Here’s How You Can Volunteer or Donate to the Zoo Lake Cleanup Initiative

Here at What’s on in Joburg we are heavily focused on the overall joy and wellness benefits of green lungs in the city, and the Zoo Lake cleanup initiative is a great way for everyone to play an active role in keeping them accessible.

Zoo Lake Cleanup

How to join the Zoo Lake cleanup initiative

The  ZLUC Clean Up Team is running a cleanup in Johannesburg on Saturday 24th February. The focus is to go at least once around the lake and pick up waste along the paths and in the flower beds, as well as clearing the fishing with pool nets for litter in the lake.

Volunteers can meet the team at 8am at the Old Moyo Car Park, and the cleanup runs until 12pm. Do take along a wide-brimmed hat, sunscreen, snacks and your own gardening gloves and water.

Here’s how the morning will run:

  1. Meet at ‘Old Moyo’ car park under the trees at 8am sharp
  2. Bags will be provided for the litter
  3. We will split into teams each with a team leader
  4. Start cleanup on paths, flower beds, and in the lake
  5. If there is still time left, work towards the kids playground
  6. Finish at Old Moyo Car Park at 12pm

When: Saturday, 19 October and Sunday, 20 October from 8am to 12pm
Where: Meet at Old Moyo Car Park, Zoo Lake, Jan Smuts Ave, Randburg, Johannesburg

Zoo Lake Cleanup

Donate towards structural repair and maintenance at Zoo Lake

There’s currently a huge amount of work in motion for the repair of the stormwater drain at Zoo Lake. The Zoo Lake Users Committee (ZLUC) is looking at the refuse and overgrown foliage that accumulates here. The team is doing an open call for donations to also replace the dangerous and rusty fence.

The project has been approved by the Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA) which is the responsible entity within the City of Joburg. The funding process has begun, but they need R200,000 to complete this project. 

You can donate any amount towards the target to help keep Zoo Lake a better and safer place for everyone to enjoy. 

Tax deductible EFT payments can be made into ZLUC’s bank account details below, all funds go directly to the project:
Account name: Zoo Lake Users Committee NPC
Bank: First National Bank
Account number: 62714375765
Branch code: 250655

NB – Please add as reference “Storm Water Drain

Where: Zoo Lake, Jan Smuts Ave, Randburg, Johannesburg

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 082 887 1469 (Fran Haslam)
Facebook: @friendsofzoolake
Instagram: @friendsof_zoolake

See more volunteer opportunities in Joburg

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